If the plan doesn’t work, then change the plan, not the goal.

Working with kids for over 20 years, if I know anything, it’s that the days don’t always go as planned. Our scheduled activities calendars are fluid plans that can, and most likely will, change. Rest assured, that if we don’t do the activity on the calendar, we are doing what your child needs.

Our monthly activity calendars are interactive! Click on the current month to see what activities we have scheduled! Each day on the calendar has a link to each activity!

We focus on the process, not the end result, so dont be upset or worried if it doesnt look quite like the photos. Your child is learning. Some days we may not have a take home product. Our goal is to keep your child engaged, learning and having fun while they are spending their days with us. Spontaniety is a wonderful thing! I love to take an ordinary event and turn it into a learning experience.

We had so much fun over the years and look forward to many more years of fun ahead! A picture can tell 1000 words…
Check out our photo albums!

When you enroll your child in My Little Stars, your not just getting a service. You’re joining a community! As part of this community we offer support, friendship and opportunities to meet other parents. Join us through out the year for our Daycare Family Events! It takes a village to raise a child, we are honored to be a part of yours!

Please excuse our appearance.. more content coming.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira