Gross Motor Skills
Jumping, Crawling, Rolling, Throwing, 
Walking, Running, Climbing…

Developing their gross motor skills is critical for balance, core stabilization and body movement. 

We make it a priority to give the children enrolled here the opportunity to get outside to use those large body muscles. 

We have a fenced yard with a playground including but not limited to a jungle gym, a sandbox, play houses, and climbers. 

There is tons of space for them to run and play, tumble and roll, and to jump in mud puddles and make sand castles.

Fine Motor Skills
Coloring, Puzzles, Clapping, Work a Zipper, Buttons 
Blocks & Arts & Crafts …

Mastering their fine motor skills will help your child’s hand and eye coordination and allow them greater independence.

Children in our program are given daily opportunities to practice using their fine motor skills.

Many of our toys are geared to help develop their fine motor skills.

We have blocks, puzzles, lacing activities, board games, and tons of craft materials.

 Social Skills
Sharing, Talking, Problem Solving, Making Friends,
Following Directives, Listening Skills…

Social Skills teach children how to interact with each other and their surroundings.

Children enrolled here will learn sharing, taking turns, and respecting personal space.

We will develop and expand their attention spans, practice patience, and teach transitioning. 

They will learn cooperation, manners, social overture, caring and empathy. 


Science & Exploration
What? Why? How?

Science Lessons come naturally with children because they ask “WHY?” all day long.

Young children need opportunities to explore their environment and learn. 

I love to turn the ordinary into an opportunity to teach. 

There is magic in everyday events that we take for granted. 

Early Literacy Skills
Talking, Reading, Listening, Vocabulary
Comprehension, Prediction

Early Literacy Skills are critical for young children to prepare them for school and help give them a strong foundation for learning.

 We provide a rich literacy environment and read to the children our care daily.

We teach them their ABC’s and begin on letter recognition and sound as well as improve their listening skills.

We sing songs and learn rhymes that go along with the season or theme.

We DO NOT teach your child to read and write, but we do help them to build a strong foundation for literacy. 


Early Math Concepts
Counting, Patterns, Sorting
Time Concepts, More or Less

Early Math skills will help your child build a strong foundation for academic success. 

We provide dynamic hands on games and activities. 

We sort, we measure, we teach shapes and positions. 

We make patterns and we count everything!

We DO NOT teach your children to add or subtract, but we do introduce them to counting and basic math concepts. 

Our Goal

Above all, we strive for a home like, family atmosphere where learning is fun and kids can still be kids.

Our curriculum is geared to help children learn the way they learn best – through EXPLORATION & PLAY!

Starting school is a huge milestone and can be filled with apprehension and uncertainty. 

It is our goal and our hope that they will be able to function in a classroom with ease and confidence.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira